Tuesday, 27 March 2007

AUA's code of professional standards

The Association of University Administrators (AUA), a professional body for higher education managers and administrators, has drawn up a code of professional standards that provides the framework of core values and principles to underpin the profession of university administration. I joined the AUA about a year ago, not that long after I started here, and found it a useful source of information on best practice across the sector on a range of issues. Their code of standards sums up quite nicely for me what's important, what it means to be a professional.

The code

This code of values and principles establishes the framework within which AUA expects its members to set the highest standards of professionalism. In order to demonstrate this professionalism and their commitment and contribution to higher education, AUA members are expected to:
  • provide high quality professional services
  • develop an appreciation of the academic culture, of the traditions and values of the organisations and institutions through which it is sustained, and of the roles of colleagues at all levels and in all branches of higher education
  • be sensitive to the multiplicity of clients served by the higher education administrator and to the need to balance conflicting demands
  • act with integrity, honesty, fairness, professional impartiality and diligence and without discrimination
  • observe due care, objectivity and respect for confidentiality
  • be explicit and straightforward in their dealings with colleagues and clients
  • ensure that personal interest does not override the needs of clients
  • accept responsibility for their actions
  • challenge existing practices and ideas when necessary
  • be committed to their own personal and professional development by seeking new knowledge and skills to enhance professional performance
  • foster the development of others by sharing expertise and good practice and by encouraging employers to support professional development.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.